This is the place to be if you are a songwriter or recording musician that is going to participate in the Destinysong-AAG project. Below you will find links to everything related to this task.
Introduction Letter to the Project
If you did not receive, or want to re-access the intro letter we send out to songwriters you can download it here. This is a good place to begin if you’re new to the project.
This is the step-by-step guideline for how to approach writing songs for the project. You need to read this. Download it here.
Master List of Targeted AAG Pages
Okay, here it is. The master list of the AAG target pages we are working to post lyric videos on. If you have been given access to this document already – here is the link Google Doc of Top Targets. This file is private with limited access. If you have not yet been given an invite to access it and you think you need it, please email us here and we’ll get right back to you.
As a psalmist and worship leader you are on the front lines of the spiritual battle we are waging against the forces of darkness. And we are acutely aware that as soon as you place yourself on the front lines there is the potential that the Enemy will have you in his cross-hairs. That is why you need prayer covering. You can avoid a lot of the struggle that many songwriters, psalmists, worship leaders and musicians face just by asking for prayer.
We are in the process of developing a systematic way to cover you all in prayer. Until then, we have a group of prayer warriors who are ready to sacrifice their time and energy praying for you. This is their joy and their worship offering to the Lord. Just as your sacrifice of praise brings glory to the Lord, so does their prayer. But they cannot pray for you if they do not know you want it!
Email us here and we will begin to pray for you. This prayer is confidential so please do not hesitate to request prayer for very specific things. If we expect to accomplish our goal of 200 songs in 24 months we need you in tip-top shape with the “fiery darts of the Enemy” not only extinguished through faith, but quite possibly never even fired at you because of the protection and blessing of prayer.
I'm not a songwriter but I want to help
You are awesome. We love people like you. You have a heart to follow Jesus and be led by the Holy Spirit in all you do. You’ve heard about what we’re doing here and you want to see us succeed. You can help primarily two main ways.
We’re building an intercessory prayer team to keep everyone involved covered. Until we’re totally dialed with this organized effort, you can still pray as you feel led. Want to be an intercessor? Email us here and tell us about it.
Yes, we need them. We have a pretty big list of things we need to update in the studio in order to support this massive effort of writing, recording, mastering and creating videos for around 200 songs in 24 months. Your financial support is really the only way we’re going to get this done. It’s a grass-roots funding effort that will result in the expansion of the Kingdom here on earth. Go here to learn more.
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