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Destinysong started as a vision from God. I saw dry cracked earth, like a desert, barren and dead. Then suddenly I saw water and green life bursting up through the ground. It came in an explosion of power. The water and green life flowed up into the sky, then it began to circle the globe. I somehow knew that what I was watching was music. When I asked God about it He answered: “Music can go international faster than anything except prayer, it is almost supernatural.” No barriers.
I could not shake this vision – for a long time Dina and I did not know what to do with the information. Then a time of transition came and I found myself suddenly without a job. Although it was a bit of a shock to be without any income, not knowing what next steps were, nothing could prepare me for what was coming next. A good friend asked me why we had not yet built the recording studio on our property that we had always dreamed of. Seeing as how we were quickly draining our already-tapped resources, I told him that we had no plans to build it. That’s when he said that God told him to build it for me.
Dina and I got the word out about the building project and what God said about music and the most amazing thing happened – people began to jump in and help. They helped with their time. They helped with their money. They helped build, finish, donate, and pray. Many gave from their lack (the equivalent of the widow’s mite) and some from their abundance. Dina and I tapped ourselves out financially, and in what could have been a desert season, we ended up with a bona-fide recording studio.
We did our best to use the studio for God’s glory. We donated studio time to people who needed it, we wrote and recorded songs, worship songs and otherwise. I took on a few paying projects as well. But it never seemed like we were tapped into that original vision in its fullness. How do we create life-giving music that will go around the globe faster than anything except prayer? Enter (AAG). The folks there have done something incredible. Over the past 10 years they have built a wall of truth on the internet. People who search for thousands of subjects are led to the truth of Jesus Christ though AAG. AAG answers tough questions like “why me Lord?” and “Does God exist?” Through this, over 1 million people worldwide have made first time decisions that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior (countless other millions have been exposed to the Truth). AAG has done this with a lot of blood, sweat, tears and obedience to the Lord. And they wanted music. More specifically, they wanted Destinysong music. They were given a vision by God that more music on their websites would advance the Truth faster, break through the darkness and bring light to a hurting world. (Learn more about and Destinysong.)
This is it. All the pieces are in place. We are on a 2-year mission to populate thousands of pages of content with hundreds of songs. A hurting world needs Jesus and for our part, we can help lead them to the light with the gift of music. To accomplish this out of our little recording studio in the Black Forest we need help. We need financial resources. We need dedicated time. We need songwriting and recording skills. We need prayer. This is a big mission and we cannot do it alone. Will you join us?
You will have an immediate impact on transforming lives by visiting our Give area. If you are a songwriter or recording musician, visit our Contributors area for more information.
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